Hurry up and slow down, hopeful words of advice to myself

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You are exactly where you are meant to be in this moment. And so am I. I feel like I run through life a mile ahead of myself. But it’s not a race, it’s a journey. I think my bad habit stems from a life in advertising and marketing where absolutely everything is a rush job and needs attention immediately. After over 30 years in the business it’s ingrained in me. And add to that the AADD (artistic attention deficit disorder) brain of an artist, it all gets a little bit crazy. But I would tell you that life is a journey and wherever you are in your journey is perfect. Embrace it. You can’t rush life, or your art. You can practice, you can show up with no ideas and no plan, but doodle and sketch and create anyway. Be kind to yourself, be patient with yourself and enjoy the process, embrace the uncomfortable, the messy middle, stay confident and keep having fun, no matter what. You will improve, and grow and learn in time. And the process of creating is so incredibly much fun, isn’t it? I’m telling you this because selfishly it’s exactly what I need to hear right now, in this moment. So as I plan to work on my wishes/goals for the next few months I think I need to add the word patience to my 2021 word list. What’s one of the words on your list for 2021?